A place where we got a tycoon group to enjoy each and every day; which makes life interesting enough to watch if we go in a flashback mode in future.
Apart from the fav people here are some elements which you are definitely going to miss after your college: )
Fun with friends

Whether it's the college or school, friends are always a part of life. We always miss the moments that we shared up with our friends. All nonsense talks, cracking baseless jokes, naughty talks, teasing your friends saying, "Bhabi a gyi" or "Jiju a gye" .... .Those are sweet memories that we miss throughout our life.
Tolerating the boring lecture.

The most difficult task in the college was to attend the boring lecture (As we found every lecture boring 😉 ). Then we come up with creative ideas for time pass, playing games on mobiles, slapping friend sitting just in front of us, passing arguments while the teacher is delivering the lecture, secretly watching your crush, throwing paper chits on your friends. And we all had that one friend whom we hate the most who was –

College canteen

Most of the memories get generated at the college canteen, and hence, this is one of the favorite places of college students to hang out. Students bunk classes to spend hours here. Along with sharing food, people share lots of memories here. Thousands of jokes, teasing each other, treating each other and a lot of fun things happen here. Meeting friends from streams is the most exciting thing to do at the college canteen.
Sudden hiccups of ordering food

This is one thing what me & my friends made into practice. Whether it's a serious lecture time or just 20 minutes after breakfast, our craving is damn unstoppable of ordering something. Doesn't matter what's happening in the class... main focus is ... when the delivery boy will come!!!
Bunking classes for silly reasons
A few brave-hearts get a chance for a bunk at school, but a very few of us get a chance of a tag of No-bunk at college. Each of us have bunked classes in our college life and it was fun to leave them at sometime. And the after bunk masti is what will be missed when you flip through the pages of your life!
Attendance Issues

Bizarre Birthday Celebration

In childhood, we had our birthday celebrations by cutting the cake with lots of candles. But once you come to college this celebration turns up with birthday bumps. Then the demand party in good restaurants and hotels & you can't avoid that as you also do the same on your friend’s birthday. 😉 Once you come out of college and become professional, you miss these things the most!
College groups & fights

If you are passed out, you must be laughing at the fights that you had in your college life. Some of them might be serious, but most of them are very random that you don’t even remember the reason. Fighting with your friends for something very minute causes, enmity with another group, all these things are bound to happen in college life. But these things will also make your college life unforgettable.
Events and festivals

College fest is what we dream in school. This one time extravaganza is the much awaited event which fills all of us with a new energy. It transforms a non-dancer into a Jackson fan, a Meena Kumari into Deepika Padukone, a psycho into a free bird! It’s a treat which is loved by all and hence worth missing.
Eating snacks hiding from the professor

This is one thing, I think most of us have sone during lectures. 😁😁😁
Most annoying & most lovable professors

Last minute preparation & going to give exam like a boss.

We had never taken exams with this kind of preparation before. A book-warm also turns into a laggard when it comes to college examinations. The alarm clocks ticks when it’s round the corner and rolling through the past year papers remains the savior ! Taking exams in such a messy way and all time unprepared way is the thing you are going to miss for sure!
The college trips

That outstation trip with our group, is the one which can make us cry at a future moment! Those pictures, laughing faces, mocking each other and loving on the next page are the accessories we get from the place. Whenever we would plan to go that place again with different set of people, will remind us of the back-then idiots and might hault us for sometime. So if you haven’t gone to a trip till now, then get set for it as you will miss this chance even more!
The internship phase

Most difficult as well as most interesting phase of college life. The tight schedule & the unbearable work pressure .. Still it has some good memories yaar. This is the time when you realise actually how well have you invested your 3/4 yrs of Grad. Your life starts picking momentum.. It's really unforgettable!
Hostel life

If you live in the hostel, you can live the most of your college life. The hostel gives you lots of fantastic as well as the worst experiences. You learn to live on your own. You bond with people over TV series, hating the same people, hating mess food, eating outside and ordering food, notes exchange and what not. The part of college life that is most missed by people is hostel life. You get people for a lifetime, and bond with them is just unbreakable.
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